Tuesday 13 December 2016

Suspense scene 3 from sixth sense

Scene 3:
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy/Poison


In this scene you start off with a close up of the girl (that had passed away) father opening the box, that he was given by Cole, to find a video tape. Theres then a jump shot to a static Tv screen to show the video playing. You immediately see a puppet show come on, from there you have a shot reverse shot showing both the Video and the father they have done this because they are showing the fathers reaction to the video as he has a mix of emotions as the video continues. To begin with the video is sweet and innocent making him smile at the Tv screen. But there is a sudden change of emotion as the girl the video puts her toys away as she can here her mothers footsteps. 
  The video progresses and behind the girls father people have gathered to watch the video with him. This scene builds suspense as you don't know whats going to happen in the video and how people will react. When the mother enters the room the girl is preventing to be asleep, the whole reason for the video is to show that the mother killed her by putting poison in her food. The raw emotion on the man's face as he watches his daughter eat the thing that is killing her. The scene is set in the house the live in, you can tell from the obscene amount of flowers and dark clothes that this is a funeral. However the mother stands out as she is wearing all red and black, which is very suggestive colour as it can be seen as a sexual colour to wear as a women but also it could suggest death or evil as it is the colour of blood. you have a jump-shot of the man standing in the door entrance looking at his wife in complete disbelief and also betrayal as she killed there little girl intentionally. You also have the people in the back standing as witnesses. They use a mid-shot to show the mother turning around as she is like 'a deer caught in headlights' that they found out not knowing what to do which is where the scene cut. In this scene they also use pan camera angles to get a view of the room.

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